Building Custom Homes With Quality Workmanship At A Fair Price.

Steamboat Springs, CO - 970-879-7725

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North Routt

This beautiful scribed log home is located on Seedhouse Rd.

South Routt County

Located in South Routt, this home is saddle notch log.

North Routt

This scribed log home is located on the Elk River.

Storm Mountain Ranch

This custom log home features hand hewn dovetail construction and beautiful timber and log accents throughout the interior.

Aspen Heights Subdivision, North Routt

This beautiful custom log home in Aspen Heights subdivision offers the homeowners comfort year around.

Contact Us

Physical Address
2673 Jacob Circle, Unit 700
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
Phone: 970-879-7725
Fax: 970-871-1121